
Thursday, December 29, 2011

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds
Maternity clothes? Just tops, my Mim bought me some maternity jeans, but I need to get them taken up.
Stretch Marks? Nope, I'm using Bio-Oil (Thanks to Brandy) and cocoa butter every day!! 
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Best moment this week:  Spending Christmas with our families :)
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper and tuna stilllll......
Movement: YES YES YES!!!! Brandon's mom Gina got us this cool belly band for Christmas and you can hook your ipod up to it. It will then play through your belly with it's speakers. Monday morning we were listening to Baby Einstein and "Three Blind Mice" came on... I immediately felt him!! It felt like a fish swimming in my belly! I usually feel him in the morning or at night and I don't feel him all the time. However, I can't wait until Brandon gets to experience the joy of feeling his son. 
Food cravings: burritos
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: BOY
Pregnancy Symptoms: stretching in my belly
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy!
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment next week. We will have our full anatomy scan and double check that "he" is in fact a boy. I'm also going to schedule our 3d ultrasound we received for Christmas! 

For Christmas this year we asked for money so we could buy things for our baby. We were extremely blessed by our families and we were able to purchase our crib and dresser/changing table! We also plan on purchasing our rocking chair or his stroller some time this week. We immediately received our crib while at the store, but we have to wait for our dresser to come in. Brandon and I couldn't wait to put the crib together, so here it is!! 

I obviously haven't picked out his bedding; therefore we haven't painted the walls yet. As soon as I make some decisions, I will post pictures :) We also received some adorable outfits for our baby boy! If his clothes say anything about him, he is definitely going to become a baseball player! Here are a few of the things we received, but there are so many more adorable outfits not pictured. 

Like I said, we are truly blessed and all of these wonderful things wouldn't be possible without our amazing families. He isn't even here yet, and he is already loved by so many. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

18 Weeks... Merry Christmas!!

I definitely look a lot smaller this week than last.. I think it's due to the huge amount of tortilla soup I had before my picture last week ;)

How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 2 1/2 pounds! 
Maternity clothes? just tops
Stretch Marks? Nope :)
Sleep: Getting tons! I slept until 11:45 the other day and it felt GREAT!
Best moment this week:  Sleeping in and coming home for the holidays
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper 
Movement: Still none... I keep waiting anxiously!
Food cravings: Freebirds... yumm!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: not recently
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: BOY
Pregnancy Symptoms: stretching in my belly
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy!
Looking forward to: Christmas!! I cannot believe Christmas is just a few days away! We're already at my in-laws and we'll spend some time here before heading to my parents. I absolutely love this time of year and I do not want it to be over. I'm also hoping we will officially have our crib and furniture picked out by the time I get back to work :)

Friday, December 16, 2011

17 Weeks!

How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'm not sure!
Maternity clothes? just tops
Stretch Marks? Nope, but I was told this week that scratching your belly leads to stretch marks... Is this true?!? Brandon told me to email Dr. Oz and ask him!
Sleep: I've been sleeping great and I can't wait to sleep in for the next 17 days!
Best moment this week:  School getting out for the holidays!!!!!
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper again
Movement: Nooo, but I really wish I would feel it soon! I can't wait to feel my baby boy for the first time!
Food cravings: popcorn
Anything making you queasy or sick: the throw up on the gym floor today wasn't good for me to see... oh the joys of being a teacher! 
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: BOY
Pregnancy Symptoms: my belly is stretching! I feel it stretch out and sometimes I feel like it can't stretch anymore, but I know it will
Belly Button in or out? In, but it looks like it 's going to pop out sometimes! eeek!
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy!
Looking forward to: these next wonderful 17 days! I can't wait to relax, sleep in, spend time with family and maybe do some shopping for our little ball player! 

This week, Jager wanted to make a special appearance again! We have moved the chalkboard into the baby's room and he loves to be in there with us. Yesterday when we were taking the picture, he wouldn't get out of the way! In the middle of it, he jumped up to give me some love :) We love our Jags so much and I can't imagine my life without him. I know he's a dog, but he is our child. It will be interesting to see how he adjust to the baby, but I think he is going to be one protective big brother. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

16 Week Surprise!

Oh my goodness, we received the most exciting news yesterday when we did not expect it at all! We are going to have a baby boy!!! We are beyond excited and we cannot wait to meet his adorable little face. Soo here's the story on how it all worked out! We were not scheduled for a sonogram this time since it was our 16 week appointment; however, due to a cyst in my right ovary, they decided to schedule a sono. While the lady was looking at my cyst I asked her if we could take a look at the baby... I mean who wouldn't want to see their baby moving around if they could?!? Immediately she said yes and we got to see him :) He is definitely going to be one laid back baby! He was just laying in a little nook, yawning and kicking his legs (which have gotten very long by the way)! I then asked if it was too soon to tell if it was a girl or boy and she decided to take a look! Much to my surprise, she said it's a BOY! Immediately I began to cry and Brandon began cheering with excitement! Afterwards we spoke with the doctor and she said it's most likely accurate, but due to me only being 16 weeks, she suggested we hold off on painting the room or buying lots of things. Therefore, we go back on Jan. 6th for the full anatomy screening and hopefully nothing will have changed ;) 

Brandon is beyond thrilled at the idea of having a little boy in his life. He immediately told me to swallow a baseball so the baby can start playing with it in my tummy! Ha! He also started talking about looking at baseball camps, baseball schools, and baseball leagues for him to attend..... I think I've got my hands full here! I cannot wait to decorate his room (after our next appt. of course) and start buying him outfits. He is definitely going to be the most handsome little boy, especially if he takes after his daddy :)

I'm not sure why this picture looks more yellow, but I'm definitely going to have to figure it out! 

How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Well, according to the doctor, I haven't gained any weight! However, according to the scale at my school, I've gained 2 pounds. I don't know why either scale tells so little weight, I feel like I've gained a ton!
Maternity clothes? a few shirts, still holding on tight to my normal jeans!
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep: Sleep is going great! It's just keeping warm that hasn't been fun!
Best moment this week:  Finding out about our baby boy!! Eeek!!!
Miss Anything?  Sandwiches still...
Movement: Not sure, they say I'll know when it happens, but what if it's happened and I don't realize it!
Food cravings: pickles and olives... still
Anything making you queasy or sick:  KK's bread pudding ;)
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: BOY
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy!
Looking forward to: Pajama day tomorrow at school!!! Yayy for a comfy day! Also there is only 7 days left until our Christmas break, thank you Lord!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

15 Weeks... A Week Later (Beginning of a trend...)

Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the way!!!! With Christmas coming up soon, our house is decorated and I am definitely in the Christmas spirit! I can't wait until next year when I get to buy "Baby E" gifts and get him/her all dressed up. Today I went over to my good friend KK's house and we worked on our monthly craft. We talked about family traditions and realized both of our families have the tradition of getting pajama's on Christmas Eve. I cannot wait until next year when I get to pick out some warm comfy pajama's for the baby! Eeek, it's going to be so fun! So here is our craft we made today! Hope you all have a great week!!

15 Weeks... Sorry this is a week late! I'm really going to try harder to get this next weeks out on time! 

How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 3 lbs
Maternity clothes? a few shirts, still holding on tight to my normal jeans!
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep: Sleep has gotten a lot better in the past couple of days! I don't know if it's because I'm so exhausted, from being back at work, but I don't even get up anymore to use the restroom! Hallelujah!
Best moment this week:  Having family over for dinner last night. I love that our families get along so well..I honestly don't know what I would do if they didn't. I'm very thankful for each and everyone of them and love them to death. 
Miss Anything?  This week I really started missing lunch meat... I wish I could just go into the kitchen and make myself a sandwich. I'm going to ask my doctor about some different options for that on Tuesday :)
Movement: Not yet, but hoping I'll feel it soon!!
Food cravings: pickles and olives... still
Anything making you queasy or sick:  Eggs... even the mention of them makes me nauseas
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy!
Looking forward to: Our 16 week doctor's appointment on Tuesday! Can't wait to see the baby and get our check up!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

14 Weeks

Wow, I look a mess in this weeks picture!!! I refuse to put on makeup during my break unless I'm going to be seen in public... I guess when I took this picture, I didn't think the public would see it! Oops!!! 

How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: unsure... 
Maternity clothes? a few shirts, but that's it
Stretch Marks? Nope, rubbing in that cocoa butter daily :)
Sleep: Sleep has been a prized possession for me lately... I can't seem to get enough and I can't get comfortable..
Best moment this week:  Starting my Thanksgiving break!!!
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper
Movement: Not yet, but hoping I'll feel it soon!!
Food cravings: pickles and olives... still
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, when I feel good... allergies have not been fun
Looking forward to: Thanksgiving!!!!!! Wooooohoooooo!!!!!

So yesterday I spent WAY too much time on pinterest and I pinned way too many things!! All I keep looking at are baby clothes, nurseries, etc! It's becoming a real problem and I've decided I need to know what we're having ASAP!! I want to start making things and hopefully learn how to use my sewing machine! Here are a few of the looks I LOVE!!!!

How could you not love all of these looks!!! In the beginning of my pregnancy I was drawn to little boy items and now I'm drawn to little girl items! I keep thinking maybe it's my "mother's intuition" but I don't think so. For those of you who don't know, Brandon and I already have one four legged "child" who's name is Jager. He's already teaching me patience and today he really tested my frustration level! We had a nice storm last night and today he ran outside before I could stop him... Needless to say, he found so much joy running through the mud. He came to the door with the most innocent face and mud smashed inbetween his toes. I was not happy... but how could I be so mad at such an adorable face! So here he is, making his grand "blog" appearance!

I hope each of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and find time to relax with the ones you love. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

13 Weeks

Wow, can you say a week later!! I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I am always exhausted and the last thing I want to do is work on my chalkboard... I feel like I've lost all my creative juices :( This week has been a very interesting/funny week. Let's just say, Baby Eubank is really getting to my brain!! Brandon came home the other day, after 3 days of being gone, and decided to cook himself some lunch. When he went to get a pan out of the cabinet, he realized the big pan still had noodles and oil in it... from when I cooked spaghetti three days before! I swore I had cleaned that pan... but I guess not! I tried to blame it on an intruder that broke into the house and made pasta, but Brandon wouldn't believe me! haha. I'm more than excited about the week ahead and getting to spend it with our family and friends. Hope you all are doing well :)

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: unsure... my scale keeps telling me I've lost weight, but clearly from the picture above, we know that isn't true...
Maternity clothes? I bought some super cute tops and dresses that are super comfortable, but I haven't worn all of them yet :) I'm still in regular pants, just with the help of a rubber band (or two)
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week:  Realizing I have 9 whole days off from work to spend with family for Thanksgiving! Woohoo!!!
Miss Anything? I'd really love to eat a sub sandwich from the local sandwich shop... 
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: pickles and olives
Anything making you queasy or sick: We are over this phase, thank you Lord!
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: Unknown, but a dear friend is guessing this morning at church.. can't wait to see what she says!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Gleaming with excitement!!
Looking forward to: Spending time with family and friends :)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

12 Weeks

How far along? 12 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 1.6 pounds :)
Maternity clothes? Nope
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week:  Our 12 week ultrasound! It was so cool seeing the baby move around. The baby is already being feisty... wonder who he/she gets that from?!? Also, telling the rest of our friends and coworkers. My kiddos freaked out and now they want to talk about "the baby" all day long!
Miss Anything? not this week
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: pickles
Anything making you queasy or sick: not this week!
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 
Looking forward to: Getting some clothes that might actually fit ;)

Here is our baby!!! You can see one leg, the umbilical cord connecting to the baby, and even it's brain! This was so cool to see and we were amazed during the ultrasound! We were truly taken back by seeing him/her. We know there's a baby in me, but I can't feel it yet... To see it moving around and it's heart beat was an amazing experience. We can't wait until May!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

11 Weeks.... A Week Later!

Okay, so I know I'm a week late, but I figured something was better than nothing! Tomorrow we have our wonderful 12 week doctor's appointment and we could not be more excited!! I can't wait to see our baby :)

How far along? 11 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I think a pound or two, but I'm not sure.. I'll know tomorrow :)
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but those sound great right about now. 
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week:  Halloween! Halloween was so much fun because we actually had trick-or-treaters! Plus I got to eat all the candy :) (Ohh and my class isn't helping, each of them brought me a butterfinger the next day... because they know they're my favorite!)
Miss Anything? sub sandwiches and tuna fish! :(
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: sweets and more sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really... which is great!
Have you started to show yet: I feel like I have
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy 
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment, telling the rest of our friends, and telling my kiddos at school :) They are going to be so excited... I hope!

Also, a good friend of mine suggested I add the picture of our families on the night we told them about "Baby E." Here it is :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

10 Weeks

This is a week old, but I wanted to share our 10 week information :) As you can see, in the lower corner, Jager tried to make an appearance ;)

How far along? 10 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Nothing yet...
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I'm definitely rubber banding some jeans together!
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week: Telling our grandparents and family!
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper!!! I know you can have a small amount of caffeine when pregnant, but we're trying really hard to not have any!
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Anything that doesn't make me nauseas
Anything making you queasy or sick: Most foods or as Brandon would say, anything that's healthy
Have you started to show yet: See picture above, but not too much!
Gender: Unknown
Labor Signs: No, thank goodness! 
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy when I'm feeling well, Brandon might disagree...
Looking forward to: Our twelve week appointment!

YAY!!!! We're expecting a baby!!!!

Oh my goodness we're having a baby and we couldn't be more excited! Baby Eubank is due May 23, 2011. So much has happened over the past seven weeks and I want to update you all on how we found out :) First off, Brandon and I decided in July that we were ready for our first child and we wanted to begin trying in August. The teacher in me decided August would be best, because the baby would hopefully be born in May and I could be off all summer with the baby. A month later... we were pregnant! It was the first weekend of October and we were getting ready for the Austin City Limits Music Festival. We go every year and we were really excited about this year. I decided the Thursday before to take a test and we were both so shocked when it came back positive. We didn't know what emotions to feel, because we couldn't believe it was real. We immediately decided to try and keep it a secret from our families, until we were able to go to the doctor. When I was seven weeks along, we had our first doctor's appointment and we were so blessed to see the baby's heart flutter! It was an amazing experience and immediately we wanted to share the joy with our parents. A week later, we went to dinner with our families and revealed our exciting news through a sonogram picture hidden in our mother's menus. Needless to say, they were very excited as well!!! Now here we are, eleven weeks pregnant, and we're greatly anticipating our twelve week appointment next week. Each week I will be posting my weekly "belly" pic and decisions we make for the baby, as the weeks come.

Have a Happy Halloween!!!