
Sunday, November 20, 2011

13 Weeks

Wow, can you say a week later!! I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I am always exhausted and the last thing I want to do is work on my chalkboard... I feel like I've lost all my creative juices :( This week has been a very interesting/funny week. Let's just say, Baby Eubank is really getting to my brain!! Brandon came home the other day, after 3 days of being gone, and decided to cook himself some lunch. When he went to get a pan out of the cabinet, he realized the big pan still had noodles and oil in it... from when I cooked spaghetti three days before! I swore I had cleaned that pan... but I guess not! I tried to blame it on an intruder that broke into the house and made pasta, but Brandon wouldn't believe me! haha. I'm more than excited about the week ahead and getting to spend it with our family and friends. Hope you all are doing well :)

How far along? 13 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: unsure... my scale keeps telling me I've lost weight, but clearly from the picture above, we know that isn't true...
Maternity clothes? I bought some super cute tops and dresses that are super comfortable, but I haven't worn all of them yet :) I'm still in regular pants, just with the help of a rubber band (or two)
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: Sleeping great
Best moment this week:  Realizing I have 9 whole days off from work to spend with family for Thanksgiving! Woohoo!!!
Miss Anything? I'd really love to eat a sub sandwich from the local sandwich shop... 
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: pickles and olives
Anything making you queasy or sick: We are over this phase, thank you Lord!
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: Unknown, but a dear friend is guessing this morning at church.. can't wait to see what she says!
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Gleaming with excitement!!
Looking forward to: Spending time with family and friends :)

1 comment:

  1. Loving these pictures! Every pic is showing some awesome changes and your little baby is getting bigger as we speak! We are so excited and we can't wait to see the baby, to hold it, love it and enjoy having a grandchild in our lives! This little amazement you are carrying is so welcome and loved by this entire family, all sides! What great parents you and Brandon will be...this precious child will have an incredible life! Please know there are so many prayers for you all in this wonderful journey! Love you, Mom
