
Thursday, April 10, 2014

6 Weeks Late and Still Behind...

Ooops! I guess life caught up to me! I'm really frustrated that I haven't blogged in 6 weeks, but at least I've taken all my pictures... minus one.  

Life has been pretty hectic around here. Between work and home life, I feel like we've been going 
90 mph lately and I'm ready for it all to slooow down. Michael is in one of the best stages yet and we have so much fun together. He absolutely loves being outside and playing with all sorts of balls. His favorite thing to say is, "I hit the ball!" We took him to his first MLB game last week and he got to watch Derek Jeter play during his last season. I'm sure one day he'll appreciate that :) 

As for "Baby E," HE is growing like a weed! I'm still in shock that we're having another boy and I honestly couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to see Michael with his little brother and to watch them grow up with one another. I pray every night that they grow up as best friends and can depend on one another as they get older. I can't wait until August to finally meet his little face. 

This week I'm actually 21 weeks, but, I have no one here to take my picture. It will be included in next weeks post :) We went to the doctor this week and little man is doing just fine. He's a mover, so it was hard for her to find his heart beat, but once she did, it was strong! According to my sonogram my due date is August 12th and not the 19th, so we decided to make it the 16th. Due to having another c-section, he will hopefully be here sometime between the 8th and 12th. Now for all the fun stuff...

How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 9 pounds... I gained 6 pounds in a month. oops!!!
Maternity clothes? yes and I'm proud of it :) I never wore maternity pants with Michael, but I couldn't resist this time around. They are so comfortable and I wish I would have worn them sooner.
Stretch Marks? Nope 
Sleep: great sleep
Best moment this week: seeing him during our sonogram last week and feeling him more and more everyday
Miss Anything? sometimes a glass of wine sounds nice
Movement: I'm feeling him more often, but he doesn't get too crazy until I lay down for bed
Food cravings: all I want to do is eat everything in sight... still. Which is why I gained 6 pounds.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: BOY
Pregnancy Symptoms: nope
Belly Button in or out? out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy but exhausted
Looking forward to: this weekend and Easter next week!

He was writing "weeks" for me :)

I couldn't leave big brother out, so here is my silly boy!