
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

28 Weeks

Wow, can you believe we're already in our 3rd trimester?!? Today was our 28 week appointment and I had to take my lovely glucose test. I heard stories about how nasty the drink was and how some people (no one I know) had passed out afterwards. Thankfully, it wasn't that bad! The drink tasted like flat orange soda and I did feel a little light headed after drinking it (too much sugar), but we survived! I won't know my results until the next couple of days, but I'm not worried! The doctor and nurse were both surprised by how happy I am and I think it made the doctor a little sick! ha! Michael is doing great though and measuring right on track. This week starts our bi-monthly check ups and next week we start our birthing classes. I'm very excited about the next few months! We have tons of things taking place, which means he will be here before we know it! Yipppppeeeeee!!!!!

How far along? 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: officially 14 pounds... yikes!
Maternity clothes? tops still... but I feel as though I'm going to need pants VERY soon
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: sleeping great, until I wake up to him punching my ribs! he's definitely getting me ready for those all nighters
Best moment this week: spending time with our families this weekend. I really enjoy being around both of our families and I definitely feel blessed to have them so close
Miss Anything? shopping for swimsuits.... the thought of putting a swimsuit on makes me sick
Movement: oh yea! last night it felt like he was doing flips all night... it definitely made for an unpleasant night. However, I absolutely love feeling him move and so does Bran
Food cravings: nothing really, just always hungry
Anything making you queasy or sick: crust on bread is bothering me lately and noodles that don't have a lot of sauce on them are blah!
Gender: Baby Boy :)
Pregnancy Symptoms: last night I was laying on my back and I got the worst pain in my back! I think he was laying on my sciatic nerve and it was the most terrible feeling yet.... hopefully that does not happen again
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, just really tired
Looking forward to: my first prenatal massage this weekend and our first birthing class next week :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

27 Weeks

How far along? 27 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: according to my parents scale, 10 pounds...
Maternity clothes? tops still... 
Stretch Marks? Nope, but every time I wake up and have lines on my body from the sheets, I freak out!!!!
Sleep: so, so. I'm starting to wake up more in the night now due to lovely kicks... it's always a great thing to wake up to :)
Best moment this week: Brandon painted one of the walls in Michael's room and I hope we can get more done in the next couple of weeks. His room did look like a nursery, but now it looks like a construction zone... However, I LOVE his painted wall!
Miss Anything? the ability to zip up my pants
Movement: still moving like crazy! His movements are completely different now and I'm enjoying it, so far! Instead of one hit to the stomach, it feels as though he kicks me and rubs his foot across my belly :)
Food cravings: anything and everything... these days I feel like I cannot eat enough (hence the 10 pounds)
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: See above
Gender: Baby Boy :)
Pregnancy Symptoms: feeling great these days
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy Happy
Looking forward to: Our 28 week doctor's appointment, but I'm not looking forward to my glucose test :( I can't wait to see how far along he's measuring and hear his amazing heartbeat :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

26 Weeks... Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Just so everyone knows, Brandon was supposed to make an appearance in this picture and that is why "Valentine" is written the way it is.... We took one picture with our camera and then it died :( The picture didn't turn out, so maybe he'll make an appearance next time..

How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: who knows... but Valentine's Day did NOT help
Maternity clothes? tops, I wore my first pair of pants the other day and let's just say, I need to grow some more :)
Stretch Marks? Nope :)
Sleep: going well, but this weekend I will be buying a body pillow... hopefully it works miracles :)
Best moment this week: Brandon and I don't exchange Valentine gifts or do anything special, but we always give each other a card... Last night when he gave me my card, there was a second one with it... I looked at the envelope and it was addressed to "Mom!" I immediately started crying! The card was super cute and of course had "Mickey" Mouse on it! But seriously, who knew a simple word could mean so much?!? 
Miss Anything? not really this week! :)
Movement: moving like crazy!! Plus more and more people are getting to enjoy his movements with us!
Food cravings: sweets, sweets, and more sweets
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: See above
Gender: Baby Boy :)
Pregnancy Symptoms: not being able to get comfortable..
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: The weekend, even though it's 3 days away... This momma needs a break!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: after eating all these cookies, I would say probably at LEAST 8 pounds, if not more
Maternity clothes? tops 
Stretch Marks? Nope :)
Sleep: the actual act of sleeping is great, falling asleep, is not so great... I get extremely uncomfortable and all I want to do is sleep on my stomach
Best moment this week: I really enjoy laying on the couch with Brandon's hands on my tummy, as we watch tv... I love that he is so excited about our baby boy and he can't get enough of my belly. He truly makes me feel great :)
Miss Anything? sandwich meat :( I'm sick and tired of eating pb&j...
Movement: Michael moves more and more everyday, he's actually kicking me pretty hard as I write this... He definitely loves to put on a show and now he helps us pick what to eat for dinner. Surprisingly when I ask him what he wants, he always seems to kick when asked about pasta :)
Food cravings: cookies and more cookies plus Brandon's AMAZING tomato pesto pasta. It's unbelievably amazing and I want it all the time :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: some meats are starting to bother me... GREAT!
Have you started to show yet: See above
Gender: Baby Boy :)
Pregnancy Symptoms: feeling lovely just uncomfortable when laying down
Belly Button in or out? Out... But sometimes it's in, so I think it depends on how he's laying
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy :)
Looking forward to: Picking out a paint color for Michael's room... Today Brandon went to Lowe's and picked up samples for every shade we're considering. Needless to say, there are many shades, which leads to me being overwhelmed.... YAY!!