
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

40 Weeks

Holy Cow, how did I make it this far?!? I thought for sure I would have my baby boy here by now, but nope... he's still holding on tight! After last weeks appointment I just knew he would come. I was having contractions and I didn't feel well at all... Little did I know, I would still be pregnant a week later! We went to our 40 week check up today and our doctor was surprised to see us, even she thought he would be here by now!!! She went ahead and scheduled us to be induced next Tuesday, but she doesn't think I'll make it until then. Although I do not want to be induced, knowing that there is an end in sight, really makes me feel better. However, I'm really hoping Michael will come on his own and we'll get to experience the thrill of rushing to the hospital and all the excitement that comes with that! Today was also my last day of work until next year :) If Michael doesn't come in the next couple of days, I'm looking forward to relaxing, catching up on tv, and reading my new book... Who knows when I'll be able to do these things again?!?!?!

Oh, and the most exciting thing about posting this blog, is knowing that next time I post a picture, my little man will be here!!!! YYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!

How far along? 40 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I was at 19 today... so we're just going to say I gained 20 pounds during this pregnancy
Maternity clothes? a few and I'm so excited to not wear that belly band again!!!! even though I know it will be a while after he comes
Stretch Marks? Nope
Sleep: rarely... I continue to become very uncomfortable in the night and nothing makes it better. Usually when I lay on my back (for a few minutes) I feel better, but now my back is beginning to hurt terribly.
Best moment this week: getting our recliner and ottoman in for Michael's room!! I was so excited to receive that phone call, because I thought Michael might beat it here! 
Miss Anything? not this week
Movement: yep 
Food cravings: COOKIE CAKE!!!! someone posted a picture of one on facebook the other day and now I can't think about anything else!! haha
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, but the other night I was cooking turkey burgers and they kinda made me queasy.... I got over that real quick!
Gender: Baby Boy 
Pregnancy Symptoms: cramping and contractions here and there. I've had a few "big" contractions and we think it might be time, but then nothing happens... so we'll see
Belly Button in or out? Out 
Wedding rings on or off? On.. I will definitely be rockin' my ring during my delivery!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy and ANXIOUS!
Looking forward to: meeting my little man.

1 comment:

  1. Well, here we are the night before you're to be induced! Will any of us be able to sleep tonight??? We are so excited and can't wait for tomorrow to get here! We're all praying for a great day, great labor and delivery! I want so much for this to be a wonderful experience for you all. I'm sure there will be pain and discomfort, but believe me it will all be worth it when you hold that precious little man in your arms!
    We love you all so much. Thanks for sharing this journey with us, it's been an absolute adventure! And it's just beginning! Sleep well tonight, your son is being born in just hours.

    Love you three with all of my heart,
