
Friday, June 29, 2012

One Month

Oh my! I cannot believe my baby boy is already ONE MONTH old!! Where does the time go? This experience has been the most amazing time of my life and I can't wait to see where our lives go from here. 

Like I predicted, Michael didn't come on his own... We were induced on Tuesday, May 29th at 7 in the morning. After 12 hours of labor, I ended up having an emergency C-Section due to Michael's heartbeat. Michael was born at 8:13 pm weighing 7 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. When he was delivered they realized he was facing forward with the cord wrapped around him, so his head was stuck in my pelvic bone... which is why he never came on his own! I knew my baby boy wasn't stubborn, just in the wrong position! 

The entire birthing process was an amazing experience and I'll never forget the moment I heard him cry for the first time. As soon as they showed me his beautiful face, I knew the word "No" was no longer in my vocabulary... This little boy has me wrapped around his finger so tight! 

Since we've come home, it's been one heck of a roller coaster ride! We've transitioned from him sleeping in a cradle in our room, to the Nap Nanny in our room, to him sleeping in his crib in HIS room! :) We've gone from feeding every 2-3 hours to every 3-4 and sometimes a little longer at night. However, one thing we struggled with, was his bed time... For the first 3 weeks, Michael would not go to sleep before 11 o'clock. It didn't matter what we did, he would be asleep and the second I would feed him, he would be bright eyed and wide awake! We began to implement a routine at night and things have become way easier! 

Now, we're a month into this and things are running very smooth! We have some what of a schedule and it's working great for all of us! We start our day around 9 o'clock, because little man likes to sleep in, then we play and have tummy time! He usually takes a nap around 11 and wakes up around 12 for another feeding. Usually from 12-3 he's wide awake! This is always the time when I want to take a nap, but he never even acts sleepy! We feed again at 3 and 6, each followed by an hour or so of play time and an hour or so of nap time. Around 8:30/9 it's bath time! I read a girl's blog each week and she recommended giving a bath each night. She said it soothed her baby to sleep, so I thought, why not?!? So now, we give Michael a bath every night and he LOVES it! He can be so grumpy and the second he hears that bath water running, his eyes pop open and he's as calm as a clam! After bath time we feed and then have story time. As soon as I read him his story, we say our prayers and I lay him down in his crib. He usually falls asleep by 9:30 and then wakes up around 2 or 3 to eat again. From there, things get a little shaky depending on his mood, but around 9 in the morning, our routine starts again! I'd say for him being a month old, this schedule isn't too bad! 

In this first month, he's already working so hard to hold his head up, he already straightens out his legs to stand on them and his eyes are becoming more and more focused each day. He never cries unless he's hungry or has a dirty diaper and he loves to hang out with dad and watch the Yankees. He also likes to sleep with socks on and if I forget to put them on him, he fusses until they're on! Last Saturday I weighed him at Baby Earth and he weighed in at 9 pounds 11 ounces! Wow, has my baby grown!! 

When I look at Michael my heart melts. I've always heard that having a child is an indescribable feeling, and I must say it's true.... There is absolutely nothing I wouldn't do for this little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    I see this picture and then I look back at the 40 weeks...its is so amazing to think Michael was there, and now...he's here! What a God we have! Our prayers were answered, Michael is here safe and sound, healthy and quite amazing! You're safe and sound, healthy and as always, beautiful! You and Brandon have gone way over in being the best parents to Michael! You all are so fun to watch in how you take care of him and interact with's a joy to watch and I'll never grow tired of seeing you all together!
    As you post these entries each month, and take Michael's will find it might be easier to post more frequently as he grows...because you will forget things and we don't want to miss anything!
    We love you each so much...always know we're here for you all, no matter what! I love you Michael are so special to me, my first grandchild.
    Love, Mom (She-She)
