
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

30 Weeks

It definitely looks like there is a basketball under my shirt...

Today was our 30 week check up and things are going great! I lost a pound since two weeks ago, which I wasn't expecting.... But at least I didn't gain ten. Michael is still measuring right on time and his heart beat sounded great, as always! On the other hand, we did get some disappointing news; however, it has nothing to do with Michael or me. As some of you know, when I first found out I was pregnant, I was a patient of one of the best Nurse Practitioners out there, Kimberly Stoeckel. I had seen her as my OBGYN for years and I couldn't wait to go through my pregnancy with her. Needless to say, we moved 45 minutes away from her office, so before my first prenatal appointment, I had to find a new doctor. As heart broken as I was, I was referred to a wonderful OBGYN, Dr. Grogono, and things have been great... Well, today at our appointment, Dr. G told us that she is going to be gone May 3rd-21st due to a family medical emergency... I feel terrible for her and her family, because the circumstance is out of her control... However, she told me that I need to look at the other Dr's at her office and pick one to follow me, incase Michael comes early. The thought of having yet another Dr look at me and take me under as their patient scares me and I don't even want to think about it. I know in the end it won't matter because Michael will be here and it doesn't really matter who delivers him, but it's hard to get attached to someone and how they work, then face the reality that they might not be there. Although I would LOVE Michael to come a few weeks early, just because I'm selfish, maybe he'll come right on time and she'll be back for the delivery! 

How far along? 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: back down to 13 pounds
Maternity clothes? tops, but I'm definitely going to be buying some shorts soon!
Stretch Marks? Nope 
Sleep: sleeping great
Best moment this week: beginning my Spring Break... it's nice to wake up late, clean the house, cook lunch for bran and just hang out!
Miss Anything? nothing this week... shocking!
Movement: He moves throughout the day, but he throws a party at night! He has to be getting me ready for what's to come!
Food cravings: cookies and sweets.... mmmm homemade cookies sound so delicious right now
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Gender: Baby Boy :)
Pregnancy Symptoms: none this week, I'm feeling great!
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy Happy Happy
Looking forward to: getting some more things accomplished in Michael's room this week and enjoying the rest of my Spring Break!

I just want to share a picture of Brandon and I from our friend's wedding this weekend... 
I'm not sure who all reads this blog, so I just want to show off my handsome husband! ha! Plus, I always talk about him, so I might as well share what he looks like :)


  1. Hi Katie! I read your blog and love it! I love your pictures and updates every week. You are the cutest prego girly I know! I think of you often and I can't wait to meet the lil' man! Happy Spring Break with lots of rest! xo

  2. This is an exciting week! Love the pictures! You all look like a Hollywood magazine cover! Love you!
