
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Months 3 and 4

Wow, time sure does get away from you when you're playing with a little one! 

I swore when Michael turned 3 months that I would write a blog... 3 weeks later, nothing had been done! So, I said 4 months.... 2 weeks later, here we are! I find myself never having time to sit down and open the computer. I come home from work to play with my boy, make dinner, give him a bath, put him to bed, do the dishes, prepare for the next day and before I know it, it's 10 o'clock! 

This past month and a half has been super fun! Michael is no longer the little baby that lays around all day. He now wants to play with everything, knock things over, ROLL over, sit up and look at everything around him! When he was first born, I read another blog where the girl said she loves each new stage her baby comes to. At the time I didn't understand, because I never wanted Michael to grow up and start doing things on his own. I already wanted him to depend on me for everything and the thought of him becoming independent at 2 months old, scared me! Well now, I completely understand what she meant! Although I loved Michael being a newborn and cuddling with him 24/7, now that he recognizes our faces, laughs, rolls from his tummy to his back, sits up on his own (for the most part), and falls asleep each night all by himself... I can't help but love each of these new stages! The idea of him being able to sleep on his tummy soon and discovering new things, excites me so much! I don't know why I ever had the feeling of him not needing me, because he does need me more and more each day, just in a different way. 

When four months came, so did the discovery of food! Since the day Brandon and I decided to try for a baby, we discussed baby food and we both agreed to make it ourselves. I've been so lucky and blessed to be able to nurse Michael and now he gets to discover new taste! Although he's only four months and he doesn't receive barely any nutrition from the food, I love seeing his face when he tries something new. We first started out with bananas. Some friends of ours gave us an awesome baby food processor and it works like a champ! We put in one whole banana and some of my breast milk, so he would have a familiar taste. The first time, he was not feeling it! He spit out everything we put in his mouth... I think we enjoyed it more than him! A few nights later, we tried sweet potatoes. This time, we just did a sweet potato with water, to make it the right consistency. This was definitely more of a success! Each time we feed him, he gets super excited and tries to attack the spoon and bowl! Yesterday I fed him smashed banana right from my finger and I thought he was going to eat my hand! 

In these next 2 weeks, before Michael turns 5 months, I'm hoping we'll introduce some more great foods, visit a pumpkin patch and we'll get to celebrate Michael's first Halloween! I can't wait for everyone to see his adorable costume!

Birth: 7 lbs. 13 oz.
Month 1: 9 lbs. 11 oz
Month 2: 11 lbs. 10 oz.
Month 3: 13 lbs. 4 oz.
Month 4: 14 lbs. 2 oz.

Birth: 19 1/2 in.
Month 2: 22 in.
Month 4: 24 in.

Advice Needed: 
Since Michael was 2 months old, he's been sleeping through the night. A little over a month ago, he started putting himself to sleep. I would lay him down and he would talk to himself for about 30 minutes, then pass out. In the past week or two, he has started waking up in the night. Usually I can go in and comfort him for a minute and he'll pass back out, but recently that's not the case. He wakes up and wants to eat, then he'll pass out.... I don't mind waking up and feeding him, but I don't want this to become a habit. How do I stop this?!? On top of that, last Thursday he stopped putting himself to sleep! Now when we lay him down, he screams and screams. I know people say to let him scream it out, but how long is too long? It hurts my heart to hear him crying, when I can easily pick him up and comfort him... But again, I don't want to start a bad habit! If you have any advice, please let me know! We're desperate! 

Now to leave you with a few pictures :)

They're kinda blurry... but you can see Michael and his best friend Jags love each other!
Attacking his sensory ball

Look at those baby blues... Melt my heart!


  1. aww he is so precious!! look at those strong neck muscles.

  2. I so wishi would have had Jules when this was going on with his sleeping so I could give you advice when you needed it. At 4 months, it is completely normal and actually important for babies to still night feed. They need the extra nutrition. I know that was a while ago, but I hope you didn't feel like you were doing something wrong, because you weren't :)
