
Thursday, December 29, 2011

19 Weeks

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds
Maternity clothes? Just tops, my Mim bought me some maternity jeans, but I need to get them taken up.
Stretch Marks? Nope, I'm using Bio-Oil (Thanks to Brandy) and cocoa butter every day!! 
Sleep: Sleeping great!
Best moment this week:  Spending Christmas with our families :)
Miss Anything? Dr. Pepper and tuna stilllll......
Movement: YES YES YES!!!! Brandon's mom Gina got us this cool belly band for Christmas and you can hook your ipod up to it. It will then play through your belly with it's speakers. Monday morning we were listening to Baby Einstein and "Three Blind Mice" came on... I immediately felt him!! It felt like a fish swimming in my belly! I usually feel him in the morning or at night and I don't feel him all the time. However, I can't wait until Brandon gets to experience the joy of feeling his son. 
Food cravings: burritos
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: See above!
Gender: BOY
Pregnancy Symptoms: stretching in my belly
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very Happy!
Looking forward to: Our doctor's appointment next week. We will have our full anatomy scan and double check that "he" is in fact a boy. I'm also going to schedule our 3d ultrasound we received for Christmas! 

For Christmas this year we asked for money so we could buy things for our baby. We were extremely blessed by our families and we were able to purchase our crib and dresser/changing table! We also plan on purchasing our rocking chair or his stroller some time this week. We immediately received our crib while at the store, but we have to wait for our dresser to come in. Brandon and I couldn't wait to put the crib together, so here it is!! 

I obviously haven't picked out his bedding; therefore we haven't painted the walls yet. As soon as I make some decisions, I will post pictures :) We also received some adorable outfits for our baby boy! If his clothes say anything about him, he is definitely going to become a baseball player! Here are a few of the things we received, but there are so many more adorable outfits not pictured. 

Like I said, we are truly blessed and all of these wonderful things wouldn't be possible without our amazing families. He isn't even here yet, and he is already loved by so many. 

1 comment:

  1. Well...I figure we are about at the point where time-wise...we have as much time to wait till the baby gets here, as we've have known you're pregnant! So it will be here before we know it! Love the crib and can't wait to see his room all made up! This week we can finally know for absolute sure that it's a boy (or a girl)!!! We love him/her so much and are so blessed to be sharing this all with you all! Love you Little Eubank Family!
